The mission is sending out an appeal as the year draws to a close, and this post is to expound more about what is being asked. As we look back through the year, and look to the future, these are three things, in three different areas of the mission, that we see as priorities moving forward. We had a lot of help to get a long way with the church building in Danli. We are going to spend some more money though (and already have) to finish the Milk Project portion of the building. The floor, paint, windows, bars on windows, tables, chairs, appliances, plates, get the idea. Some of the things we got on previous containers (we have a fridge and TV for example) but there is a lot left to do, and we won't be able to open until this gets done, because there just isn't anywhere else to meet while we wait. (The church meeting space upstairs isn't finished thing at a time.) So this is a great timely opportunity to give, because we can see that finishing the physical work will directly allow us to start with the kids that have already been selected for us to start. We are hoping if the money comes in, we can open by February. You can donate for this specific project here This is a big project...and a long time coming, even from before 2024. We have debated and looked into the advantages and disadvantages of different properties for sale in Tegucigalpa and outside of Tegucigalpa. Buying property here is never an easy proposition, and looking into a lot of different facets, led us to choosing this property that is just outside of town. The cost benefit versus trying to find something closer is HUGE. It looks like we are past one of our farms or something, but there are neighbors in nice homes down the main dirt road that connects to the main highway to Tegucigalpa. We are taking steps to make a hospital a reality, but also we are realistic that it will not be quick or easy. This property allows us to do some basic road work, set up some fence, smaller buildings for housing construction equipment, etc. to set us up for the long term when bigger things need to happen. We can use groups and some smaller donations in the future to get those balls rolling. We are also looking at adding two ambulatory (walk in and walk out same day) surgical suites in Tegucigalpa at the clinic, which would be done and working before we finish the hospital on this is all part of a longer plan to bring all this together in a healthy way. I won't go into all the details, but the board of directors and us locally in Honduras are working on this and looking at the many different steps it will take for us to get there. all hinges on getting this property purchased first. You can donate for this specific project here And the last area is one that for those familiar with His Eyes, has been something we have been working on for several years. Road work. Doing this on the farms is expensive, labor intensive, and hard to schedule since it can currently only be done during the dry season. But...we have a new answer. The picture on the left is from a recent installation of $500 worth of pavers. These things are huge, and weigh a ton. Well, that is, $500 worth were several tons. These give much needed stability to the hills, and will also help clean up from mud slides. Some of those mudslides might be helped as well from some greater ground stabilization. Oh...and they will be a lot easier to drive on as well! We have some groups coming, and we have some guys working on the farm...and we want to order $5,000 worth of these to install. Right now, we are thinking all of them will go to Sampedrana, since that is where the worst of the roads we face are, but in the future, some could go to Las Botijas, and Cantarranas as well for the farm there. But, these $5,000 worth if we can raise the money...will take us a good long while going into 2025 to put into place, and boy will we be happy for all that will be life changing for a lot of people, and help us do more, no matter the weather or time of year, in a lot of different places. You can donate for this specific project here If you are still reading this, thank you.
I wanted to add an extra thanks to those of you that not only give, but also pray for these items, and everything else going on in the mission. There are several other areas we could bring up as appeals, but these were carefully selected as we look at what we are doing, and what we will be doing as a mission. From time to time someone asks if this is overwhelming. It certainly can be, especially when we take our eyes off of Him who is making it all happen. Then we can sink into worry, stress and more. Prayers help us in the highs and lows of our own rhythms, as do donations to help us keep going and doing more for Christ!
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