The Hill Climber Coffee Story
His Eyes purchased property in Samepdrana Honduras (in the mountains above have to climb quite a few hills to get there!) for the Church plant there in 2006 with the help of Christ's Church in Jacksonville Florida. The Church building and parsonage are both located on that property, where additionally there were quite a few coffee plants. After selling that coffee to use in the Church, the idea germinated and we started seeing how we could plant and grow more coffee to help the Church and eventually the mission overall.
We have farm administrators, volunteers, and paid seasonal help to take care of the now multiple properties, which include nearly 20 acres above Sampedrana, and another nearly 20 acres near another mountain village many miles (and climbing many hills...sense a theme here?) in Las Botijas. When you drink Hill Climber coffee, it helps us be able to pay our workers well, improve our facilities, and in advancing this arm of the mission we eventually help us overall be less dependent on donations from abroad. |
Our long term goals are...
-provide employment -generate some side crops to help people in our areas -do some teaching -create opportunities for outreach -and finally...use coffee to generate income that can be put back into the ministry and communities. The more you drink, the more we can do. We are looking for not only people who appreciate great roasted coffee, but long term also partners abroad that could buy green coffee to help us scale and grow even faster, as we have plenty of land left to plant!. If you want to order more, or talk to us about importing green coffee to roast yourself, please contact us below to talk more about how we could partner together! |
Whole Bean
Only a few left!
Our best beans...presented for you to grind and have the freshest cup of coffee possible. Straight from our farms where it is grown, picked, pulped, washed and dried, then roasted at a professional roaster in Tegucigalpa and brought to the US to get direct from us, to your cup.
(whether 3, 5 or 10 pounds...all orders are shipped in our standard one pound bags)
Ground Coffee
Our best beans, pre-ground to be used in your daily cup. This is direct from our farms, where it is picked, pulped, washed, dried, and then roasted via a professional roaster in Tegucigalpa, and then brought to the from our farms, to your cup. It doesn't get any better than that!
(whether 3, 5 or 10 pounds...all orders are shipped in our standard one pound bags)